SUPERIOT hospital application video

SUPERIOT application video from Prof. Juha Häkkinen (University of Oulu).
In this 2 min video, Prof. Juha Häkkinen shows a preliminary example of how SUPERIOT may be applied to track resources, staff or patients in a hospital environment, using visible light communications. This is just one of the applications to be explored within the project, which will also address smart tags for business scenarios and various potential applications in rural environments.

Greenedge prize for SUPERIOT researcher Mohammad Khalili

Congratulations to SUPERIOT researcher Mohammad Khalili (University of Oulu) who has been selected as the winner of the Greenedge Challenge, project PS3 “Energy Efficient IoT Networks”!! This has been announced on the Greenedge website.

Mohammad has now been invited to attend the final Greenedge workshop (Croatia, 26-27 Sep-2024) to receive his award. A great result for Mohammad and for SUPERIOT, showing the importance and relevance of the project for sustainable IT technology research.


Emanuel Carlos from Nova attended CIMTEC 2024 (Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies 2024) in Montecatini (Italy) recently. His presentation, Solution processing of metal oxide memristors: from coating to printing, covered several topics related to the SUPERIOT project and was well received at the event. For further information, please get in touch.

SUPERIOT Best Student Paper Award!

Congratulations to Khodr Hammoud (KU Leuven) for winning the Best Student Paper Award at WPTCE 2024 last month in Kyoto, Japan!

Khodr’s paper was entitled, Enhanced Indoor Light Energy Harvesting Exploiting Over-The-Air Pulse Shaping and was submitted with co-authors Mingqing Liu, Zhuangzhuang Cui; Dominique Schreurs and Sofie Pollin. The topic is central to SUPERIOT’s vision of sustainable IoT and work will continue throughout the project.

CALL FOR PAPERS!! Workshop on Energy Neutral and Sustainable IoT Devices and Infrastructure

Call for papers!
In collaboration with Hexa-X-II, INTERACT and the 6G Flagship, SUPERIOT is co-organising a Workshop on Energy Neutral and Sustainable IoT Devices and Infrastructure 2024.

This workshop will be part of the 6GNet conference (21-24 Oct-2024; Paris, France).

Full Paper Submission Deadline: 13-Aug-2024

For more information or queries, please contact the SUPERIOT Workshop Chair

SUPERIOT webinar #1

SUPERIOT will hold its first webinar on WED 29-May-2024 at 15:00 CEST, online using Zoom.

The event will take approximately an hour, and will include a project overview from the Coordinator, Marcos Katz (University of Oulu), three technical presentations by project researchers and a short Q+A session.

An agenda and registration form may be found on the following link.

Places are limited, so please register soon!